
function my_function

--description "My description"


if test -f foo.txt
else if test -f bar.txt

Combining tests

test -f foo.txt -a -f bar.txt
test \( -f foo.txt \) -a -f \( bar.txt \)


emit my_event

function myhook --on-event my_event


Creating completions

# ~/.fish/completions/
complete -c mycommand ...
complete -c mycommand ...
complete -c mycommand ...


-c command -s short option -l long option -r, –require-parameter -f, –no-files -x exclusive (-r -f) -n ‘__fish_use_subcommand’ condition –description “..” # complete -c $cmd -n ‘__fish_use_subcommand’ -x -a hello –description ‘lol’


__fish_complete_directories STRING DESCRIPTION performs path completion on STRING, allowing only directories, and giving them the description DESCRIPTION.
__fish_complete_path STRING DESCRIPTION performs path completion on STRING, giving them the description DESCRIPTION.
__fish_complete_groups prints a list of all user groups with the groups members as description.
__fish_complete_pids prints a list of all processes IDs with the command name as description.
__fish_complete_suffix SUFFIX performs file completion allowing only files ending in SUFFIX. The mimetype database is used to find a suitable description.
__fish_complete_users prints a list of all users with their full name as description.
__fish_print_filesystems prints a list of all known file systems. Currently, this is a static list, and not dependent on what file systems the host operating system actually understands.
__fish_print_hostnames prints a list of all known hostnames. This functions searches the fstab for nfs servers, ssh for known hosts and checks the /etc/hosts file.
__fish_print_interfaces prints a list of all known network interfaces.
__fish_print_packages prints a list of all installed packages. This function currently handles Debian, rpm and Gentoo packages.

__fish_seen_subcommand_from init

complete -c ruby -s X -x -a '(__fish_complete_directories (commandline -ct))' --description 'Directory'


Start each example with complete -c cmdname

-x # no filename completion

-s d -x -a “read skip” # -d {read|skip}

-s d -x # -d

-s f -r # -f FILE

-s f -l force # -f, –force

-a “(cat /etc/passwd | cut -d : -f 1)” # first argument as filename


Alt ← Alt → Move word
^U delete to beginning
^W delete to previous /
Alt D delete next word
Alt H help on word (man)
Alt W help on word (short descriptions)
Alt L list directory on cursor
Alt ↑ search keywords